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Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
Salut !! comment allez-vous? Moi Selvy. Je suis né 23-03-1995. C'est mon blog. et J'aime Paris ♥ Mes familles ♥ Mes Amis. Merci !!!

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

A Skylit Drive - Drown The City

Lie to me
I won't lie
Tape your mouth shut
Lie to me
I won't lie
Swallow your tongue

Forget it all I have you buried in my walls
I’ll use your skin to cover up my scars

The place you lay in a bloody hall of fame
The ropes that tied your hands right by your side…

So now you’re screaming at the top of your lungs
Hoping for someone to come
(for some, for some, for someone to come)
Hoping they’ll bring a gun
To inflict all the pain
I caused upon you.
I caused upon you.

I won’t lie, I won’t lie, I will die
The only problem with a story carved on your chest
It's hard to read when you're missing you're ribs
The place you lay in a bloody hall of fame
The ropes that tied your hands right by your side…

So now you’re screaming at the top of your lungs
Hoping for someone to come
(for some, for some, for someone to come)
Hoping they’ll bring a gun
To inflict all the pain
I caused upon you.
I caused upon you.

I won’t lie, I won’t lie,
I won’t lie (I will die)
I won’t lie (I will die)

The place you lay in a bloody hall of fame
The ropes that tied your hands right by your side…

So now you’re screaming at the top of your lungs
Hoping for someone to come
(for some, for some, for someone to come)
Hoping they’ll bring a gun
To inflict all the pain
I caused upon you.
I caused upon you.

So now you’re screaming at the top of your lungs
Waiting for someone to come
(Waiting for someone)
Hoping they’ll bring a gun
To inflict all the pain
I caused upon you.
I caused upon you.

Immerse me, cut my throat
Immerse me, cut my throat
If you want me skin deep you better act now.
If you want me skin deep you better act now.

A Skylit Drive - This isn't the end

Starting off to face the day
Seconds away from a life with endless...
Torment my mind with the thoughts of a beginning
To show you just what I feel
To decipher what is real

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

For a second I felt so brave
Flowing through fault lines
Wearing on my mind
Technicalities set you off the stage and when you see me now and then
There will be no exchange of hands
Scratch the plans

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

Maybe now can we pretend?
Maybe now can we pretend?

This isn't the end
This isn't the end

The end.

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

Maybe now can we pretend?
Maybe now can we pretend?

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

The Bird And White Roses

Une journée d'automne des oiseaux en amour avec une rose blanche
Bird a été d'essayer d'exprimer ses sentiments, mais a déclaré les roses blanches, “Je ne pourrais jamais vous aime..”
les oiseaux n'ont jamais abandonné chaque jour, il vint à la rencontre avec des roses blanches
White Rose a finalement dit : Je t'aimerai si tu peux me transformer en roses rouges
Et plus tard, les oiseaux sont revenus il a coupé ses ailes et la diffusion de son sang
la rose blanche à devenir les roses blanches Red Roses
Rose a finalement réalisé combien d'oiseaux aimée
Mais trop tard parce que les oiseaux ne seraient pas revenir dans ce monde
Apprécier quelqu'un qui vous aime avant de se quitter pour de bon

Diary of past away

Save me
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust
Life ooh…
Theres nothing left to hope for something else
Wake me on the next day that I will save
Cause that we couldn’t lived of this
This night will be our diary of past away
The city were burning off
And six chooper were going down
Loads of army were shooting out
Where we suppose to ?
And now
It’s sick to me
So please crow whisper that we
Should we be still leave or live
And bring with all mistake behind
Look everyone singing
Singing with their empty eyes
Please guys take the air to breath
Cause we still have to stay in
Like your eyes
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust
Life ooh…
Theres nothing left to hope for something else
Sometimes 4x
Your life 4x
Sometimes i feel the sorrow
Like your eyes like my fantasies real
And came into me
Just like the bird fly with their broken wings
We need aid to
Alive for each other and
We try to believe for our independence
But, sometimes I try to fade it the reality
Were alone even people were screaming behind
Cause we’re alone even people we’re running on
Owh, so scary and terrify we were bringing into
Het nightmare, now we were all drowning to you !

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Eiffel.. I'm in love

Eiffel I'm in Love adalah kisah cinta remaja yang dibalut dalam konflik remaja dan orang tua. Dibintangi oleh Samuel Rizal dan Shandy Aulia sebagai karakter utama, film ini diangkat dari novel bestselling berjudul sama karya Rachmania Arunita. Kocak sekaligus menggemaskan, beberapa bintang kondang juga turut meramaikan film bernuansa cinta ini, di antaranya Titi Kamal, Helmy Yahya, Didi Petet dan Vena Annisa.

Kehidupan Tita sebagai remaja bisa dibilang sempurna. Ia tinggal dengan keluarga yang harmonis. Pacarnya yang bernama Ergi adalah orang yang baik sangat sabar dan perhatian, dan teman-temannya sangat baik. Yang ia keluhkan hanyalah sang ibu yang sangat protektif. Tapi semua itu berubah secara drastis sejak kamar tamu yang berada disebelah kamar Tita ditempati Adit, anak dari teman ayahnya.

Sifat Adit yang angkuh, judes, dan cuek membuat Tita sangat kesal. Apalagi wajahnya yang tampan menarik semua simpati orang. Dan mau tak mau Tita hatus menerima kenyataan bahwa kedua orantuanya menjodohkan mereka berdua.

Semua bagaikan mimpi buruk bagi Tita. Dan mimpi itu bertambah buruk ketika Tita menyadari perasaannnya pada Adit berubah 180 derajat disaat Adit sudah berpacaran dengan Uni, sahabat terdekat Tita.

Download Mp3 Melly Eiffel... Im in Love 10 Ternyata

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010


Playing mix and match with jewelry pieces is easier than doing it with your clothes and footwear. Your outfit can say a lot of things about you so it is advisable to be careful in picking the clothes to wear on different occasion.

Celebrities and known personalities experience more pressure than a lot of us in terms of dressing up since there are paparazzi and fans to notice them all the time. Critics always have something to say about the color of their tops, the fitting of their jeans and the appearance of their shoes. One of the commendable Hollywood stars who can carry herself really well is Nicole Richie. She was once seen heading to Burger Bar wearing a black peacoat, oversized sunglasses, black tights, and classic Mary Jane pumps. Anyone can have that great look by adopting her dressing style. However, it is not all about the dress but the shoes as well.

Currently, classic pump shoes are hitting the spotlight more often. Since the media keeps endorsing such fabulous footwear, more consumers revive their wardrobe by taking out their classic pump shoes and blending it with their desired outfit. What are the right clothes to wear if you are sporting classic pump shoes? If you wish to get the same attention Nicole Richie had, try donning a pair of sexy fitted jeans, squadron fleece peacoat, and oversized summer sunglasses to compliment your pumps. She obviously loves her classic Mary Jane pumps and you can show the same passion about this footwear.

is the trend for pump shoes right now? We have the so called chic-style enhancer, fantastic costume shoes, multipack high heels and more! Let us talk about the multipack high heels that have been noted for a glamorous professional look. These can give your casual outfit a great finish depending on the color of your choice. The multipack is a combination of 12 individual colors in plausible shoe sculpts to fit each foot. Interesting colors that can give your plain tee a big bang are mauve and chartreuse. Pale pink is a nice color that can make your fair complexion stand out! Therefore, these classic pumps can go well with the rest of your outfit. Just accessorize more to highlight your cool color scheme.

Classic pump shoes are known to enhance individual chic style depending on the current mood. Pumps can make a woman extra attractive and taller thereby scoring more praises and compliment. They can elongate the legs and flex calves to achieve a sleek and lean appearance. There are plenty of pump style to suit any occasion so whether you are wearing a wedding dress, a business suit or casual attire, you can find exclusive classic pumps to amp up your elegance. One remarkable chic style is the Santana royale pump which is a combination of fabric, jewels, and cushion. The polished metallic detail supports the inner and outer arches for the toes. This type of classic pump is the perfect match for your Sunday dress and office attire. It can empower every woman through comfort and new style. The natural variation of splash of colors and cutesy embellishment makes the more adorable.

Bahasa Japan

Tulisan bahasa Jepang berasal dari tulisan bahasa China (漢字/kanji) yang diperkenalkan pada abad keempat Masehi. Sebelum ini, orang Jepang tidak mempunyai sistem penulisan sendiri.

Tulisan Jepang terbagi kepada tiga:

* aksara Kanji (漢字) yang berasal dari China
* aksara Hiragana (ひらがな) dan
* aksara Katakana (カタカナ); keduanya berunsur daripada tulisan kanji dan dikembangkan pada abad kedelapan Masehi oleh rohaniawan Buddha untuk membantu melafazkan karakter-karakter China.

Kedua aksara terakhir ini biasa disebut kana dan keduanya terpengaruhi fonetik bahasa Sansekerta. Hal ini masih bisa dilihat dalam urutan aksara Kana. Selain itu, ada pula sistem alihaksara yang disebut romaji.

Bahasa Jepang yang kita kenal sekarang ini, ditulis dengan menggunakan kombinasi aksara Kanji, Hiragana, dan Katakana. Kanji dipakai untuk menyatakan arti dasar dari kata (baik berupa kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, atau kata sandang). Hiragana ditulis sesudah kanji untuk mengubah arti dasar dari kata tersebut, dan menyesuaikannya dengan peraturan tata bahasa Jepang.

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

A Skylit Drive - Drown The City

Lie to me
I won't lie
Tape your mouth shut
Lie to me
I won't lie
Swallow your tongue

Forget it all I have you buried in my walls
I’ll use your skin to cover up my scars

The place you lay in a bloody hall of fame
The ropes that tied your hands right by your side…

So now you’re screaming at the top of your lungs
Hoping for someone to come
(for some, for some, for someone to come)
Hoping they’ll bring a gun
To inflict all the pain
I caused upon you.
I caused upon you.

I won’t lie, I won’t lie, I will die
The only problem with a story carved on your chest
It's hard to read when you're missing you're ribs
The place you lay in a bloody hall of fame
The ropes that tied your hands right by your side…

So now you’re screaming at the top of your lungs
Hoping for someone to come
(for some, for some, for someone to come)
Hoping they’ll bring a gun
To inflict all the pain
I caused upon you.
I caused upon you.

I won’t lie, I won’t lie,
I won’t lie (I will die)
I won’t lie (I will die)

The place you lay in a bloody hall of fame
The ropes that tied your hands right by your side…

So now you’re screaming at the top of your lungs
Hoping for someone to come
(for some, for some, for someone to come)
Hoping they’ll bring a gun
To inflict all the pain
I caused upon you.
I caused upon you.

So now you’re screaming at the top of your lungs
Waiting for someone to come
(Waiting for someone)
Hoping they’ll bring a gun
To inflict all the pain
I caused upon you.
I caused upon you.

Immerse me, cut my throat
Immerse me, cut my throat
If you want me skin deep you better act now.
If you want me skin deep you better act now.

A Skylit Drive - This isn't the end

Starting off to face the day
Seconds away from a life with endless...
Torment my mind with the thoughts of a beginning
To show you just what I feel
To decipher what is real

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

For a second I felt so brave
Flowing through fault lines
Wearing on my mind
Technicalities set you off the stage and when you see me now and then
There will be no exchange of hands
Scratch the plans

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

Maybe now can we pretend?
Maybe now can we pretend?

This isn't the end
This isn't the end

The end.

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

There's just so much to be said
So much is running through my head
In a time staggered on the end
Maybe now can we pretend?

Maybe now can we pretend?
Maybe now can we pretend?

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

The Bird And White Roses

Une journée d'automne des oiseaux en amour avec une rose blanche
Bird a été d'essayer d'exprimer ses sentiments, mais a déclaré les roses blanches, “Je ne pourrais jamais vous aime..”
les oiseaux n'ont jamais abandonné chaque jour, il vint à la rencontre avec des roses blanches
White Rose a finalement dit : Je t'aimerai si tu peux me transformer en roses rouges
Et plus tard, les oiseaux sont revenus il a coupé ses ailes et la diffusion de son sang
la rose blanche à devenir les roses blanches Red Roses
Rose a finalement réalisé combien d'oiseaux aimée
Mais trop tard parce que les oiseaux ne seraient pas revenir dans ce monde
Apprécier quelqu'un qui vous aime avant de se quitter pour de bon

Diary of past away

Save me
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust
Life ooh…
Theres nothing left to hope for something else
Wake me on the next day that I will save
Cause that we couldn’t lived of this
This night will be our diary of past away
The city were burning off
And six chooper were going down
Loads of army were shooting out
Where we suppose to ?
And now
It’s sick to me
So please crow whisper that we
Should we be still leave or live
And bring with all mistake behind
Look everyone singing
Singing with their empty eyes
Please guys take the air to breath
Cause we still have to stay in
Like your eyes
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust
Life ooh…
Theres nothing left to hope for something else
Sometimes 4x
Your life 4x
Sometimes i feel the sorrow
Like your eyes like my fantasies real
And came into me
Just like the bird fly with their broken wings
We need aid to
Alive for each other and
We try to believe for our independence
But, sometimes I try to fade it the reality
Were alone even people were screaming behind
Cause we’re alone even people we’re running on
Owh, so scary and terrify we were bringing into
Het nightmare, now we were all drowning to you !

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Eiffel.. I'm in love

Eiffel I'm in Love adalah kisah cinta remaja yang dibalut dalam konflik remaja dan orang tua. Dibintangi oleh Samuel Rizal dan Shandy Aulia sebagai karakter utama, film ini diangkat dari novel bestselling berjudul sama karya Rachmania Arunita. Kocak sekaligus menggemaskan, beberapa bintang kondang juga turut meramaikan film bernuansa cinta ini, di antaranya Titi Kamal, Helmy Yahya, Didi Petet dan Vena Annisa.

Kehidupan Tita sebagai remaja bisa dibilang sempurna. Ia tinggal dengan keluarga yang harmonis. Pacarnya yang bernama Ergi adalah orang yang baik sangat sabar dan perhatian, dan teman-temannya sangat baik. Yang ia keluhkan hanyalah sang ibu yang sangat protektif. Tapi semua itu berubah secara drastis sejak kamar tamu yang berada disebelah kamar Tita ditempati Adit, anak dari teman ayahnya.

Sifat Adit yang angkuh, judes, dan cuek membuat Tita sangat kesal. Apalagi wajahnya yang tampan menarik semua simpati orang. Dan mau tak mau Tita hatus menerima kenyataan bahwa kedua orantuanya menjodohkan mereka berdua.

Semua bagaikan mimpi buruk bagi Tita. Dan mimpi itu bertambah buruk ketika Tita menyadari perasaannnya pada Adit berubah 180 derajat disaat Adit sudah berpacaran dengan Uni, sahabat terdekat Tita.

Download Mp3 Melly Eiffel... Im in Love 10 Ternyata

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010


Playing mix and match with jewelry pieces is easier than doing it with your clothes and footwear. Your outfit can say a lot of things about you so it is advisable to be careful in picking the clothes to wear on different occasion.

Celebrities and known personalities experience more pressure than a lot of us in terms of dressing up since there are paparazzi and fans to notice them all the time. Critics always have something to say about the color of their tops, the fitting of their jeans and the appearance of their shoes. One of the commendable Hollywood stars who can carry herself really well is Nicole Richie. She was once seen heading to Burger Bar wearing a black peacoat, oversized sunglasses, black tights, and classic Mary Jane pumps. Anyone can have that great look by adopting her dressing style. However, it is not all about the dress but the shoes as well.

Currently, classic pump shoes are hitting the spotlight more often. Since the media keeps endorsing such fabulous footwear, more consumers revive their wardrobe by taking out their classic pump shoes and blending it with their desired outfit. What are the right clothes to wear if you are sporting classic pump shoes? If you wish to get the same attention Nicole Richie had, try donning a pair of sexy fitted jeans, squadron fleece peacoat, and oversized summer sunglasses to compliment your pumps. She obviously loves her classic Mary Jane pumps and you can show the same passion about this footwear.

is the trend for pump shoes right now? We have the so called chic-style enhancer, fantastic costume shoes, multipack high heels and more! Let us talk about the multipack high heels that have been noted for a glamorous professional look. These can give your casual outfit a great finish depending on the color of your choice. The multipack is a combination of 12 individual colors in plausible shoe sculpts to fit each foot. Interesting colors that can give your plain tee a big bang are mauve and chartreuse. Pale pink is a nice color that can make your fair complexion stand out! Therefore, these classic pumps can go well with the rest of your outfit. Just accessorize more to highlight your cool color scheme.

Classic pump shoes are known to enhance individual chic style depending on the current mood. Pumps can make a woman extra attractive and taller thereby scoring more praises and compliment. They can elongate the legs and flex calves to achieve a sleek and lean appearance. There are plenty of pump style to suit any occasion so whether you are wearing a wedding dress, a business suit or casual attire, you can find exclusive classic pumps to amp up your elegance. One remarkable chic style is the Santana royale pump which is a combination of fabric, jewels, and cushion. The polished metallic detail supports the inner and outer arches for the toes. This type of classic pump is the perfect match for your Sunday dress and office attire. It can empower every woman through comfort and new style. The natural variation of splash of colors and cutesy embellishment makes the more adorable.

Bahasa Japan

Tulisan bahasa Jepang berasal dari tulisan bahasa China (漢字/kanji) yang diperkenalkan pada abad keempat Masehi. Sebelum ini, orang Jepang tidak mempunyai sistem penulisan sendiri.

Tulisan Jepang terbagi kepada tiga:

* aksara Kanji (漢字) yang berasal dari China
* aksara Hiragana (ひらがな) dan
* aksara Katakana (カタカナ); keduanya berunsur daripada tulisan kanji dan dikembangkan pada abad kedelapan Masehi oleh rohaniawan Buddha untuk membantu melafazkan karakter-karakter China.

Kedua aksara terakhir ini biasa disebut kana dan keduanya terpengaruhi fonetik bahasa Sansekerta. Hal ini masih bisa dilihat dalam urutan aksara Kana. Selain itu, ada pula sistem alihaksara yang disebut romaji.

Bahasa Jepang yang kita kenal sekarang ini, ditulis dengan menggunakan kombinasi aksara Kanji, Hiragana, dan Katakana. Kanji dipakai untuk menyatakan arti dasar dari kata (baik berupa kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, atau kata sandang). Hiragana ditulis sesudah kanji untuk mengubah arti dasar dari kata tersebut, dan menyesuaikannya dengan peraturan tata bahasa Jepang.

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