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Salut !! comment allez-vous? Moi Selvy. Je suis né 23-03-1995. C'est mon blog. et J'aime Paris ♥ Mes familles ♥ Mes Amis. Merci !!!

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Diary of past away

Save me
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust
Life ooh…
Theres nothing left to hope for something else
Wake me on the next day that I will save
Cause that we couldn’t lived of this
This night will be our diary of past away
The city were burning off
And six chooper were going down
Loads of army were shooting out
Where we suppose to ?
And now
It’s sick to me
So please crow whisper that we
Should we be still leave or live
And bring with all mistake behind
Look everyone singing
Singing with their empty eyes
Please guys take the air to breath
Cause we still have to stay in
Like your eyes
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust
Life ooh…
Theres nothing left to hope for something else
Sometimes 4x
Your life 4x
Sometimes i feel the sorrow
Like your eyes like my fantasies real
And came into me
Just like the bird fly with their broken wings
We need aid to
Alive for each other and
We try to believe for our independence
But, sometimes I try to fade it the reality
Were alone even people were screaming behind
Cause we’re alone even people we’re running on
Owh, so scary and terrify we were bringing into
Het nightmare, now we were all drowning to you !

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Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Diary of past away

Save me
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust
Life ooh…
Theres nothing left to hope for something else
Wake me on the next day that I will save
Cause that we couldn’t lived of this
This night will be our diary of past away
The city were burning off
And six chooper were going down
Loads of army were shooting out
Where we suppose to ?
And now
It’s sick to me
So please crow whisper that we
Should we be still leave or live
And bring with all mistake behind
Look everyone singing
Singing with their empty eyes
Please guys take the air to breath
Cause we still have to stay in
Like your eyes
Anything was so damn empty
There were just vapors and dust
Life ooh…
Theres nothing left to hope for something else
Sometimes 4x
Your life 4x
Sometimes i feel the sorrow
Like your eyes like my fantasies real
And came into me
Just like the bird fly with their broken wings
We need aid to
Alive for each other and
We try to believe for our independence
But, sometimes I try to fade it the reality
Were alone even people were screaming behind
Cause we’re alone even people we’re running on
Owh, so scary and terrify we were bringing into
Het nightmare, now we were all drowning to you !

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